Employment Creation Program (ECP)

The workers of the organization form groups (Samity) among the target community through individual and group discussion in order to bring their economical solvency and self-employment creation for poverty alleviation by providing the rural poor, indigent and unemployed women with various training and loan support. 

Concern staff enlightens on their (group members) everyday familial and economical problems to grow awareness. They try to reach a proper solution to their problems by thinking jointly. The groups are encouraged to undertake personal and joint ventures. They deposit regular savings to form capital to strengthen their economic condition. At present, there are 1,732 Samities with 23,982 members. The total savings capital of these Samities is Tk. 15,99,84,133 only. 

In addition to social development, Samity members are provided with loans at an endurable system to undertake income-generating activities for their economical development. Out of the total group members, 23,982 at present 22,532 are using loans. This year Tk. 1,00,18,97,000 has been disbursed among 25,558 members for running mainly small trades, livestock and agriculture as well as vegetable cultivation.

Projection of Loan:

Loan activities are implemented through different projects namely:
(1) Jagoron, (2) Agrosor, (3) Agrosor-MDP, (4) Buniad, (5) Sufolon,
(6) Income Generating Activities, (7) LIFT, (8) LRL & (9) BNF-CMSME

Project-wise loanee & disbursed amounts

[table id=1 /]

Important Information/Indicators of Loan Program:

[table id=3 /]

Member’s Welfare Fund:
Besides economical sustainability of the group members “Members’ Welfare Fund” is established to prevent frustration and recurrence of poverty in members’ lives. Objective of this fund mainly is to recover the unpaid loan (principal) of the group member and the excess amount to be given to the family as donation in case of death (except suicide) of any member or her husband. This fund is also provided in case of Financial crisis for any surgical procedure of the member or her husband or unmarried son & daughter. Moreover, a lump sum amount of money is provided to any member’s meritorious son or daughter as scholarship. In this reporting year Tk. 49,59,203 has been given to 228 members (or families) in death case and 18 members (or family members) have been provided with health services worthy of Tk. 46,000.

PSKS head office
The journey of PSKS started from this building located in Palashipara village of Gangni upazila.
PSKS Library
PSKS FARM & training center
Beef Cattle Fattening Project

Banshbaria, Post office: Gangni-7110, Upazila: Gangni, District: Meherpur, Bangladesh.


Copyright © 2024 Palashipara Samaj Kallayan Samity / পলাশীপাড়া সমাজ কল্যাণ সমিতি​